Your Input

What is your perspective on the role of spirituality in strategic alliances? What topics are you most interested in? Are you interested in participating in our growing community? If so, how? What suggestions do you have for us?

As food-for-thought read Voice of the Collective.

* = required fields

    * First Name

    * Last Name

    * E-mail address

    Phone number



    Years of experience as a strategic alliance manager

    What is your perspective on the role for spirituality in alliances?

    What topics are you most interested in?

    Your willingness to participate in our growing community? If so, how?

    Suggestions and feedback: What should we start, stop or continue doing?

    Are you interested in follow-up discussion?

    If this form does not provide you with sufficient opportunity to comment your thoughts and feelings feel free to connect directly.

    Thank you!

    Joe Kittel