Service Fees

This fee structure is intended to encourage long-term engagement.

Standard fees for my professional services:

  1. $220/hour for unplanned services.
  2. $200/hour for planned services (10 hour minimum), scheduled on a month-to-month basis.
  3. $7,000/month for 25% of my time and energy, scheduled on a month-to-month basis.
  4. $6,000/month for 25% of my time and energy, scheduled in 6-month blocks of time. The ideal engagement model is to be an extended member of your team for a significant amount of time.

Clients also reimburse for travel, lodging and meal expenses.

For strategic alliance managers interested in individual coaching we have custom engagement packages with appropriate fee schedules.

In the spirit of openness and transparency I am posting this fee schedule. That policy and these fees may change over time.

Here is a one-page PDF summarizing LLC, our services, service structure and content, my personal differentiating attributes, suggest engagement processes and fees.